
Distance Brings us Closer

Hello all,

normally this post would be about a new, creative technique or informing you about a new offer, a contest or something similar. But what is “normal” these last few days? In order to contribute our tiny part in keeping everyone sane and creative, below you can grab two FREE packs and -in order to help our contributing artists- we have already extended our spring sale, that was supposed to end last week, to now include ALL of our packs, and will keep it active at least until the end of April. Additionally, we’ll donate our part of any profits made during the following days to EQUAL Sound and MusiCares, while trying to do our best for the local artist community too. If you are into adding some well-thought new sounds to your library, offering an inspirational, high-quality boost to your song-writing, you can check our sample packs below, it would greatly help us stay afloat and keep delivering our samples that matter while supporting hard-hit artists as well.

If you can’t afford that (everything is between $10-$20) but still want to help, you could do that by directly donating to the above funds (or any other actually, if the cause is right!). Even the smallest amount helps. And, just in case you missed these in the last e-mail, below you can grab two FREE sample packs*, as a starting point to get back in the studio with fresh ideas and start creating. If you ‘ve already got these, be sure to pass this post to anyone who might find these useful and helpful as well.

That’s it for now, I guess.

We’ll talk soon, we ‘ll try to come up with more ways we could help. Feel free to hit us back with anything, either it is a song you’ve been working on which makes good use of our sounds (that would make our day actually!), a fundraiser we should know about or even just hard criticism, even though we always appreciate kind words and acts more.

Keep it up, stay safe, sane and creative!

Philippos & the Intimate Noise people.


* These are direct download links, no need to sign-up to the newsletter, add to cart or anything, just click and get creative. (07/05/2020: Our latest free pack is available through our newsletter, direct links are now closed) 


EDIT: As of Monday 6th April, Equal Sound is down due to technical difficulties caused by high traffic. Hopefully they’ll be back soon.